Community Call: Hackathon Winner Showcase


Tuesday May 2, 2023 - 08:30 MST / 20:00 IST / 11:30 BRT / 16:30 CET

Hi MetaMask Community,

Please join us on Tuesday May 2, 2023 - 08:30 MST / 20:00 IST / 11:30 BRT / 16:30 CET for our MetaMask Snaps Hackathon Showcase where three teams will demo their winning projects from ETHDenver and ETHSamba that simplify cross chain gas fees using account abstraction, enable composability using off chain resources, and facilitate urban mobility with crypto payments.



RSVP to grab your seat!

Demos will feature the following teams and topics: 

CrossFuel - a payment system that uses Account Abstraction to simplify cross-chain gas fees.

Composooor - enables composability between multiple apps using off chain computation/data/storage.

  • SmartTrans - pay for public transit with crypto (in Brazil).

We look forward to seeing you all on the call!🦊

Your Session Hosts

Francesco Andreoli

Developer Relations and Community Manager, ConsenSys

Manbir Singh

Community Manager, ConsenSys

About MetaMask Snaps


Bring your features and APIs to MetaMask with Snaps. The most popular wallet is now an extensible platform for permissionless innovation. Extend the functionality of MetaMask with Snaps.

Snaps’ mission is to expand web3 by giving developers the power to build on MetaMask. Whether it's managing multiple chains in one wallet, improving user security, or something else, Snaps is the developer platform for advancing web3.

Follow us on Twitter, ask technical questions on the Snaps Discord and GitHub, and learn more about MetaMask Snaps.